What Is the Most Valuable to God?
The Lord Jesus likens Himself to a merchant seeking “fine pearls” in Matthew 13:45-46, and what He reveals about the “pearl of great value” may surprise you!
The Lord Jesus likens Himself to a merchant seeking “fine pearls” in Matthew 13:45-46, and what He reveals about the “pearl of great value” may surprise you!
What is the greatest blessing from the Lord Jesus? It is not what the Lord may give to us, but what He makes us!
The entire Bible eventually brings us to just one point.
This young man felt that life was meaningless until he heard about the purpose of human life.
Watch this short video to find out what the central thought of the Bible is.
Death does not bring fear to those who have eternal life in Jesus Christ.
The real testimony of a young man who felt that life was empty until he met Jesus and drank of the water that He gives.
Listen to this real-life story of how a young woman went from gazing at beautiful sunsets to finding the meaning of her life.
Ever felt a deep, inner thirst in your being? Mankind was designed for drinking the life of Jesus, just as He said, “Come to Me and drink!” Watch this video to learn how to drink of the living water so that “you will never thirst again!”
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